12 Different Types of Blueberries For Your Garden

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Would you like to grow blueberries? These tasty fruits and lovely plants can be grown in a sunny environment. This article by gardening expert Liessa Bowen introduces 12 excellent blueberry types for home gardeners.  

‘Atlantic’ is a medium northern highbush. This cultivar likes warm weather. Trim the many-caned spreading plant to restrict growth. ‘Atlantic’ produces plentiful mid- to late-season fruits. The huge, firm peaches taste fantastic.   

1. Atlantic

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Bluecrop’ is medium-sized. ‘Bluecrop’ is a robust, upright-growing plant. It fruits midseason. Medium to large, firm, crack-resistant fruits.  

2. Bluecrop

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Blue Jay’ grows quickly. Plants grow quickly and send up new root suckers each year. Mummy berry disease-resistant ‘Blue Jay’ bushes grow upright and open.  

3. Blue Jay

Northern highbush ‘Blueray’ is medium-sized. Early to mid-season fruit yields are medium to high. The large, high-quality fruits taste fantastic. Plants grow tall and spread easily. The hardy shrub ‘Blueray’ thrives in warmer climates.  

4. Blueray

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Bluetta’ is medium-sized. This early-ripening cultivar produces medium-sized fruits. The fruits are crack-resistant, tasty, and softer.  

5. Bluetta

The compact, rounded northern highbush cultivar ‘Draper’. Early to mid-season berries ripen. Fruits are medium to big, firm, and mild-flavored.  

6. Draper

‘Duke’ is a medium-sized northern highbush. On strong, erect plants, it fruits early to mid-season. Root suckers will promote ‘Duke’ cane growth. These plants yield sturdy, light-blue, medium-to-large fruits.  

7. Duke

A strong northern highbush, ‘Earliblue’. They grow straight and spread, producing numerous new canes each year.  

8. Earliblue

A tiny to medium-sized northern highbush cultivar, ‘Elliott’. Fall fruits from this hardy late-season shrub. Cross-pollinate ‘Elliott’ with a late-season variety for best taste and fruit set.  

9. Elliott

The medium-sized northern highbush cultivar ‘Herbert’ produces huge fruits. Blueberries of this variety are huge and tasty, yet soft.  

10. Herbert

A common medium-sized northern highbush is ‘Jersey’. The hardy plant grows vertically. The crimson stems of this plant are attractive year-round. Medium-sized light blue fruits are tasty. Solid, storeable fruit yields are modest in Jersey.  

11. Jersey

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Legacy’ is medium-sized. Mid- to late-season producer with strong, prolific shrubs. ‘Legacy’ fruits are firm, medium to large, and delicious.  

12. Legacy

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