10 Disease-Resistant Tomato Varieties For Your Garden

Black Section Separator

Start thinking about what tomato types to cultivate this season. Disease resistance is crucial while choosing tomatoes. Join organic farmer Jenna Rich as she lists our 15 favourite disease-resistant tomato cultivars.  

Nothing beats the first summer cherry tomato's luscious burst. Sungolds never disappoint; consumers, family, and friends eagerly await large production of these golden beauties.   

1. Sungold

This little red cherry tomato has many clusters of luscious cherries. Sakura vines can reach six feet, so prepare your trellises. If you can stretch the season and harvest tall plants easily, use the lower-and-lean strategy.   

2. Sakura

OSU had wonderful, somewhat sour cherry tomatoes. Six- to eight-ounce fruits have scarlet meat and violet-blue-brown skin that dulls with maturity.  Anthocyanin-rich tomatoes are dark blue. Regular antioxidant use reduces inflammation, improves cognition, and fights infections.  

3. Indigo Rose

Natural pleasures like this cocktail are tasty. Eat juicy, vivid red ‘Mountain Magic’ fruits fresh off the vine and split in half for salads. The trusses carry two-ounce fruits that rarely break.  Whole-truss tomatoes for sale. It stands out at farmers' markets.   

4. Mountain Magic

This vibrant yellow beauty is a wonderful cross between ‘Tangerine’ and ‘Rutgers’ and won All-America Selections in 1943! Occasionally producing a green shoulder, ‘Golden Jubilee’ fruits are six to eight ounces and three inches in diameter.   

5. Golden Jubilee

It yields reliable medium-sized slicing tomatoes. The pale crimson ‘Early Girl’ thrives outdoors or in high tunnels. Most studies show high tunnels extend the season and produce more marketable crops. Weather and vermin damage them outside.   

6. Early Girl

This sweet and tangy slicer brightens the garden and dinner table, especially with vivid reds, blushes, or greens. The plants thrive into the late season with great disease resistance.  

7. Lemon Boy Plu

The three-foot ‘Mountain Merit’ plants are tiny. Produces 8-10 ounce fruits. A good disease-resistance package, including late blight protection, should keep your plants healthy in late summer.   

8. Mountain Merit

We all loved ‘Big Beef’, but ‘Big Beef Plus’ has better flavour, colour, and disease resistance.  ‘Big Beef Plus’ produces juicy, meaty medium to big fruits suitable for BLTs. The insides of this tomato are spherical and scarlet.   

9. Big Beef Plu

Crimson Pride produces flawless ten-ounce fruits. Very good germination and flavour, practically heirloom. For North America, large leaves shade fruits and keep plants small. Apply balanced liquid feed six weeks after planting. Use potassium-rich fertiliser after blossoming.

10. Red Pride

10 Types of Flavorful Basil for Your Garden 

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