10 Types of Flavorful Basil for Your Garden

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If the basil smell doesn't fill the yard, is it even summer? Come talk with me, Jenna Rich, an organic farmer, about 19 of the tastiest basils you can grow in your yard.  

Genovese basil has beautiful, rough leaves that hang down a little at the ends. If you trim and pick these plants often, they can get up to three feet tall and have a lot of side shoots.   

1. Genovese

In most of North America, it's hard or impossible to find lemons that were grown nearby. You can use lemon basil instead. It tastes good with fish, muffins for dessert, olive oil and vinegar mixes, and summer pasta dishes.   

2. Lemon  

This cultivar's gently ruffled dark purple and 10% green leaves are perfect for garnishing. Due to its strong flavour, use dark opal basil sparingly in pasta, soups, and desserts.  

3. Dark Opal  

This tough basil is great for boiling broths. Strong scent and spicy, savoury anise flavour.   Thai basil is Horapha in Thailand and Hung Que in Vietnam.  This is a popular pho, Thai pesto, and curry ingredient.  

4. Sweet Thai

Cinnamon basil tastes minty and anise-y. It tastes warm and is perfect for throwing into fresh salads, pasta recipes, or poultry marinades. For a unique twist, simmer it with homemade apple sauce and jams.   

5. Cinnamon

Similar to lemon basil, lime basil has darker leaves. Add it to seafood or soups to add citrus flavour.   After 60 days following transplant, you can harvest leaves one at a time.   

6. Lime

Sweet and Genovese basil taste similar unless you have a trained palate. As a common basil cultivar, ‘Genovese’ tastes earthy, peppery, and less sweet than sweet basil, which tastes like anise and clove.   

7. Sweet

The Genovese large-leaf basil leaves are nearly four inches. Cost-effective! Sweet drink with anise.   Basil is affected by downy mildew and wilt. Seasonal updates boost disease resistance. Give companion planting summer crops adequate space.   

8. Italian Large Leaf

Deep purple, practically black basil is one of the most beautiful. Beautiful in the garden and on the plate.  When cooked fresh, amethyst basil tastes sweetest. Add it to spaghetti, desserts, soups, or cocktails to stand out.  

9. Amethyst

Leaves of lettuce leaf basil are hand-sized and folded.   The mild flavour makes it suitable for caprese or lettuce wraps. It keeps shape and dresses well in cherry tomato and cucumber salads.   

10. Lettuce Leaf

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