Top 10 Signs That He’s Perfect Husband Material  

We don't know what better proof of love than his promise to spend the rest of his life with you.


1. He asked you to marry him

When planning gets too stressful, he'll be waiting at the door with a delicious meal, wine, and hot bath for you. Just what the wedding doctor ordered!


2. He shows his gratitude

Hearing him tell friends he can't wait to marry you never gets old. Complements from your partner when you're not supposed to listen are always nice.


3. He brags about you 

Despite several dress panics, he always reassures you that you'll look beautiful in a bin bag—though you won't walk down the aisle in one!


4. He’ll always find you beautiful 

Even if it means watching 27 Dresses ten, eleven, or twelve times. It's all husband duties.


5. He indulges your vices

Although you hate being corrected, you sometimes need it and respect him for it.


6. He knows when to put his foot down

He would do anything for his mother and shows his behavior toward women. This shows respect for others and may indicate a good husband and father.


7. He’s respectful of his mum

He knows you need a night with the girls despite your love for him. It gives him time with friends, which is crucial to a happy marriage.


8. He respects your need for ‘me’ time

He doesn't care if it's pastels and Disney because it makes you happy. As your future husband, he will wear Mickey Mouse ears if necessary.


9. He lets you choose the wedding theme

Even when you cry over napkin colors and table plans—a legit bridezilla moment that he understands.


10. He doesn’t judge you 

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