Mix soy sauce, maple syrup, smoked paprika, garlic powder, and liquid smoke in a small bowl.
Step 1
Tofu should be placed in a sealable container or bag that can be turned upside down without leaking liquid.
Step 2
Carefully turn the container or bag to coat the tofu with marinade. Marinate for 15 minutes or 3 days in the fridge.
Step 3
I like to flip the container occasionally when marinating it for a long time to ensure even marinating. More flavor comes from longer marinating.
Step 4
Cook vegan bacon by pan-frying, air-frying, or baking.
Step 5
Pan-fry method: In a skillet or non-stick frying pan, heat 1–2 tablespoons oil over medium heat. In batches, gently add marinated tofu slices in a single layer when hot.
Step 6
Cook 2–4 minutes per side until dark golden brown. Change sides and repeat. Lower the heat and cook tofu longer for crispiness. After cooling, drain tofu on paper towels to crisp and chew.