People with above average vision can spot the umbrella in the street in 7 seconds 

The umbrella in the street can be seen in 7 seconds by people with above-average vision. May you? Attempt now!


Research suggests that optical illusions can improve concentration and attention span, preventing cognitive decline in older adults.


Above-average vision? This mind-bending challenge will test your eye sharpness! The image above shows a busy street scene.


Readers must find an umbrella in a busy street in 7 seconds. Not obvious at first. This easy challenge tests your observation skills.


Your time begins! View the image carefully. Do you see the umbrella?  The umbrella is easier to spot for those with good vision. Time is limited.


Looking closely, you may see the umbrella. 


Time is ticking, hurry. And… Time up. Stop looking.


Solution: One of the women crossing the road holds the umbrella on the right.


Spot 3 differences between the Hanukkah pictures in 9 seconds 


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