No-Bake Greek Yogurt Tart Recipe

The no-bake Greek yoghurt tart recipe looks impressive but is simple and healthy! I added raspberries and strawberries, but you can use any fresh fruit.

For the crust – 2 cups raw pecan – 10 Medjool dates, soaked in warm water for 10 minutes and pitted – ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt For the filling – 1 ½ cups plain Greek yogurt – ½ cup raspberries or blueberries (or more—I went ahead and used an entire 6-ounce container) – 4 strawberries, hulled and thinly sliced – 2 tablespoons honey


Step 1


Pecans should be pulsed in a food processor until semi-fine. Add the dates and pulse until the mixture holds together when pinched and resembles dough (don't overdo it like in the photos).

Step 2

Press the dough into a 9- to 9 ½-inch tart pan with a removable bottom for an even crust on the base and sides. Freeze for 10 minutes.

Step 3

Making the filling: Take the crust out of the freezer. Keep the tart on the round base as you carefully remove it from the pan and place it on a round platter. Spread yoghurt on crust.

Step 4

Add raspberries and strawberries to yoghurt and drizzle honey. Cut the tart with a sharp knife, wiping the blade after each cut, to serve. Serve with a thin spatula or pie server.

See Also

Easy Fruit Compote Recipe