How To Use Cinnamon To Repel Pests In Gardens & Flowerbeds


The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of cinnamon make it a great plant wound sealant. Dip large branch pruning cuts in cinnamon to seal and protect them. 



Using Cinnamon To Heal Plant Cuts 

Similarly, if a branch or stem gets hurt, putting cinnamon on it can help the plant heal and keep disease or fungus from getting to the hurt area. 

Cinnamon is a great way to keep rabbits, squirrels, and other animals away from plants in pots and containers. 



Using Cinnamon To Deter Rabbits, Squirrels, Chipmunks & Mice 

The smell of cinnamon offends many animals. If you strategically sprinkle cinnamon around containers and baskets, most pests will ignore it. 

It only takes a second for damping off to kill young seedlings. For people who grow transplants indoors from seeds, this can happen a lot. 



Prevent Damping Off  

Overly moist soil promotes fungus growth. Fungus that easily spreads to seedlings. Cinnamon can prevent the fungus with a simple, two-pronged approach. 

Cinnamon can repel ants naturally, just like small animals. Its strong smell repels ants in the garden, on flowering annuals and perennials, and elsewhere. 



Repelling Ants  

Ants hate cinnamon powder. They will avoid it at all costs! To protect plants, sprinkle cinnamon around their bases. For large beds or plant areas, sprinkle it throughout the soil and around the edges. 

Mould grows on the soil of many potted plants, hanging baskets, and houseplants. Due to excessive moisture and minerals in potting soils or fertilisers, this occurs. 



Prevent Mold / Algae On Potted Plants & Houseplants 

Rooting new cuttings with cinnamon's fungicidal properties is also beneficial. Cinnamon, like sulphur, helps stem cutting spores prevent rotting. 



Cinnamon As A Rooting Agent 

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How To Get Rid Of Poison Ivy Plants – For Good!