Blueberry Lemon Yogurt Cake Recipe

Blueberries adorn this lemony yoghurt cake. It tastes great with whole wheat flour, olive oil, and yoghurt! This lightened pound cake is inspired by French yoghurt cake.

– 1 ½ cups white whole wheat flour or regular whole wheat flour, plus more for dusting – 2 teaspoons baking powder – ½ teaspoon fine grain sea salt – 2 medium lemons, preferably organic, to be zested and juiced – 1 cup sugar (I used organic cane sugar) – ¾ cup plain whole-milk (full fat) yogurt or Greek yogurt – 3 extra-large egg – ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract – ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil – 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (if frozen, do not defrost!) – 2 teaspoons honey – Optional accompaniments: coconut whipped cream or regular whipped cream or vanilla ice cream


Step 1


Heat the oven to 350°F. Coat an 8x4x2x2-inch loaf pan with butter and flour. Mix flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl.

Step 2

Put sugar in a medium bowl. Grate all lemon zest. Rub zest into sugar until yellow and fragrant. Mix yoghurt, eggs, and vanilla with sugar. Whisk ingredients until mixed.

Step 3

Blend then gently whisk in dry ingredients. Combine oil with a spatula. Shiny batter. Toss blueberries with 1 teaspoon of flour in a separate bowl to prevent sinking while baking. Mix blueberries into batter gently.

Step 4

Smooth the loaf pan batter. Bake the cake for 50–55 minutes until the top is golden and the sides are just starting to pull away from the pan. Centre toothpicks should be clean.

Step 5

Wait 30 minutes to cool the cake in the pan. Heat 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 teaspoons honey to whisk into juice. In a small saucepan over medium-low heat or in microwave bursts.

Step 6

Taste the mixture after adding honey—it should be tart. If too sour, add honey. Brush the lemon-honey glaze on the warm cake with a pastry brush. Repeat until liquid runs out.

Step 7

Knife-loosen the cake and pan sides. Carefully flip the loaf pan with a large plate or cutting board to unmold the cake. Cool the cake on a flat surface. Then slice and serve!

See Also

Blueberry Almond Crisp Recipe