8 Tips For Creating A Beautiful Pollinator Garden 

For spring-to-fall bloom, plant flowers of various colors, shapes, and bloom times.  For instance, you want to give spring-waking insects food immediately.


1. Plant a Variety

Instead of spacing individual plants, group them to attract pollinators. Planting three to five plants in clusters tells insects there's food in your garden.


2. Go Big and Bold

Annuals bloom once from planting to frost, providing long-term color. They bloom quickly and require little care, making them good starters.


3. Start with Annual

Perennials bloom for weeks to months and return for many seasons, making them ideal for pollinator gardens. Long-term commitments require patience. 


4. Plant Plenty of Perennial

Plant borage, chives, sage, cilantro, and dill in beds, pots, or edibles to attract pollinators. Many pollinators visit fennel and scarlet runner beans.


5. Include Edible Varietie

Shrubs, trees, and flowers provide color, structure, food, and shelter to gardens and wildlife. Lots are low-maintenance. 


6. Use Shrubs and Trees for Structure

Procrastinators rejoice! Leave leaf litter and seedheads intact in winter to shelter pollinators. Bennett advises against letting the yard go wild. 


7. Be a Little Lazy About Fall Cleanup

A bug needs water. A simple water feature is charming. Use a birdbath or shallow dish with a pebble to attract pollinators and change the water every few days to avoid mosquitoes.


8. Provide a Water Source

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