5 must-see optical illusions that will blow your mind 

Horses, tigers, moving shapes, and ships are illusions. They demonstrate how color, light, and environment affect brain image perception. For centuries, optical illusions have delighted and confused people in many cultures.


Optical illusions are always amazing, but this one can almost predict the future. Looking into the black hole's center will make it appear to expand, but the image is not moving. 


1. The expanding black hole optical illusion

Other horse-themed illusions have confused viewers since the 1970s. Design asks: how many horses are in the painting? Bev Doolittle, the artist, gave the answer, but we counted the horses many times.


2. How many horses are there?

We love optical illusions that look like moving images but are still. Physiological optical illusions occur when the eye sees too much color, light, movement, or dimension to process. 


3. The spinning vortex optical illusion

We all wonder which way the rotating horse optical illusion turns. Many TikTok users have speculated about the geometric horse's direction, but we don't know.


4. The rotating horse optical illusion

Surreal Van Gogh optical illusion of stars. The rotating image above brings the famous illustration to life in swirls. I could spend hours watching how eye adjustment twists images in our brains. 


5. Van Gogh Starry Night optical illusion

Genius IQ Test Find the weight of all the animals in 11 seconds 


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