12 Vegetables to Start Seeding in February

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When winter is almost over but spring is not, planting might be difficult. In February, many regions can direct sow cold-hardy greens and start long-season crops indoors. Former organic farmer Logan Hailey chose the best February seed veggies.

Mâche, or corn salad, is one of the most undervalued cold-weather greens. This tasty, hardy leafy vegetable may germinate in 40°F (4°C) soil. Established plants can tolerate 5°F (-15°C)!

1. Mâche

Claytonia has charming little white blooms and lily-pad succulent leaves in late winter and early spring. Minerals and vitamin C abound in this interesting green. Claytonia was called “miner’s lettuce” for preventing scurvy.

2. Claytonia

This popular peppery green is linked to mustards, cabbage, and kale. Cool-weather rocket hates heat. Young plants may survive moderate frosts and germinate in 40°F (4°C) soil. 

3. Arugula

In northern regions, an early start is needed to obtain attractive onions by autumn since most onion varieties develop in 90–100 days. Seed onions in February, eight to ten weeks before last frost.

4. Onion

The underrated onion related leeks can be used in egg scrambles, casseroles, and potato-leek soup. Long white-blanched stems and exquisite flattened green leaves mature slowly, but autumn rewards are always worth it. 

5. Leek

Celery grows easily but is temperature and moisture sensitive. Seedlings can be grown indoors for 10-12 weeks in February or March before transplanting. I always put trays on heating mats since seeds need 70-75°F (21-24°C) soil to sprout quickly and evenly. 

6. Celery

Hot and sweet peppers grow slowly and should be started indoors 6-8 weeks before the final frost and transplanted when warm. Chilli peppers from South America hate cold. A cold soil delays seed germination. 

7. Pepper

The most popular summer vegetable, large-fruited tomatoes, benefit from an early spring indoor start. In zones seven and warmer, sow your favourite heirlooms and cherries in three- to four-inch pots indoors in February. 

8. Tomato

Spring broccoli and broccolini are delicious. These nourishing dark-green florets like cool temperatures and damp soil. Sow early-season cultivars in cell trays six to eight weeks before transplanting.

9. Broccoli

Another spring-growing cool-weather brassica is cabbage. Beginning in February ensures vigorous cabbage seedlings for late March and early April transplantation. Seed indoors 6-8 weeks before frost. Maintain compost-rich soil and moisture.

10. Cabbage

Whether you favour white or psychedelic romanesco cauliflower, cauliflower seedlings are grown like broccoli. Brassica cotyledons (baby leaves) look similar. Label seed trays for clarity!

11. Cauliflower 

Beets can germinate in 45°F (7°C) soil in moderate springs. Plant seeds outside at ½” depth, 3 inches apart, in 12-inch rows. Grow beets for their nutritious infant greens or colourful roots of any size.

12. Beet

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Celeriac 

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