11 Beautiful Plants For Hanging Baskets

Angelonia, or Angelface, is a guaranteed garden beauty. A tall spiky stem holds the flowers. Lance-shaped leaves stay near the soil. These lovely flowers include purple, blue, white, and pink.

1 - Angelonia

The popular dwarf morning glory cultivar ‘Blue My Mind’ produces the truest blue flowers. The star-shaped petunia-like flowers and lush silvery green leaves are present. 

2 – Dwarf Morning Glory

Fan flowers, or Scaevola, are fantastic for flower gardens and hanging baskets. Fan flowers, available in blue, pink, and white, can be planted alone in a basket or as an overflowing accent.

3 – Fan Flower

Lantana thrives in full-sun hanging baskets. Lantana complements most garden styles because to its numerous colors.

4 – Lantana

In hanging baskets, love-lies-bleeding amaranth looks even better than in the landscape. The heart-shaped leaves are light green, and the “tassel flowers” are crimson, pink, or green. 

5 – Love-Lies-Bleeding

Portulaca (moss rose) is a hardy and lovely shrub. The succulent leaves and vividly colorful blossoms of this plant stand out. Flowering during the day and closing at night.

6 – Moss Rose

The perennial decorative oregano is beautiful. The plant boasts exquisite purplish pink flowers and pink-tinged green leaves. Don't lie to yourself. Not edible: ornamental oregano.

7 – Ornamental Oregano

Petunia stars in hanging basket. With sun and care to deadhead, hangers need little. Petunias run everything. Petunias feature trumpet-shaped blooms on green stems and leaves.

8 – Petunia

Why not decorate your hanging baskets with flowers and fruit? Strawberry plants provide beautiful blossoms and tasty, jewel-colored fruit. 

9 – Strawberries

Hanging baskets need succulents! Pretty and low-maintenance! Looks like green pearls. Overhanging stems make baskets stand out.

10 – String of Pearls

Take Vinca into account when buying hanging baskets. This spiller is classic for a reason. Vinca vine leaves can be solid green or white or yellow variegated.

11 – Vinca Vine

Also See

11 Care Tips For Petunias in Hanging Baskets